Winkle-Free Tips: How to Fold a Dress Shirt When Packing

Whether you travel often or only for special occasions, it’s likely you’ve been faced with the task of folding dress shirts when packing.

Thankfully, our fashion experts at COCHIC have provided their valuable insight on how to fold shirts for travel.

Specializing in handmade custom dress shirts made in Canada, the folks at COCHIC know exactly how to fold a dress shirt to avoid wrinkles and damage.

How to Fold a Dress Shirt?

Start by buttoning the shirt up to the top button. Next, spread the shirt out face down on a hard, clean surface, and lay the sleeves out to the sides.

Fold each sleeve inward towards the middle, about halfway in, horizontally.

Now, place a dryer sheet in the middle of the back of the shirt for added wrinkle resistance.

Continue to fold each side 3 inches towards the middle of the shirt, creating a V shape at the top back of the shirt. Finally, fold the shirt in half from the bottom up once.

Businessman wearing dress shirt packing his other one in a suitcase for travel

How to Pack a Dress Shirt?

Attending a business meeting or wedding? You’ll need to know how to pack a dress shirt.

The best way to fold a dress shirt with no wrinkles on arrival is to mimic the method above, using a piece of cardboard in place of a dryer sheet.

Once you’ve finished folding, insert the shirt into a fitted, plastic dry cleaning bag.

While this method should suffice, it is difficult to avoid wrinkles entirely when traveling. Along with custom dress shirts, COCHIC offers wrinkle-free & wrinkle-resistant fabric options.

Use a Folding Board for Clothes

Instead of spending hours perfecting how to fold a dress shirt, try a clothes folding board.

A clothes folding board is an inexpensive, quick, and easy option for anyone with multiple dress shirts. They’re available with tutorials for purchase online.

Garments and Travel Tips

Man in a dress shirt and tie walking down a hallway with his suitcase on a business trip

5 COCHIC Tips to Travel with Dress Shirts

  1. Buy a wrinkle-free or wrinkle-resistant dress shirt.
  2. Learn how to properly fold a dress shirt with a cardboard backing as suggested above.
  3. Use COCHIC’s patented collar extenders and stays to keep your dress shirt’s collar in place.
  4. Bring a travel-size shirt steamer.
  5. Use a garment bag or dress shirt case.

Wrinkle Free Tips (fabric choice, folding, and packing techniques)

While it can be tough to fold a dress shirt with no wrinkles, there are countless tips and tricks to do so.

If you’re not using a garment bag or shirt case, packing technique will be vital in keeping your dress shirts wrinkle-free. Practice folding your dress shirt using the method mentioned above.

When choosing a dress shirt for travel, keep an eye out for wrinkle-resistant fabric blends such as cotton, polyester, and spandex.

Seller folding dress shirt on table in clothing store

COCHIC offers handmade custom dress shirt made in Canada that fits the criteria. Simply contact us at to discuss with our designer the best fabric options for your needs.

Other Folding Techniques for Saving Space

For clothing articles aside from dress shirts, rolling your clothes is a fantastic way to save space. T-Shirts, jeans, and other casual items should easily roll, and can be placed vertically or horizontally inside a suitcase.

Always Have a Collar Extender on Hand

COCHIC’s patented collar extenders are ideal for keeping dress shirt collars stiff and wrinkle-free.

Always have a comfortable collar extender on hand when folding button-down shirts or packing button-down shirts.

Other Accessories to Bring with You

No matter how perfect your packing, some additional accessories can help keep you looking sharp on the go.

A travel-sized steamer, COCHIC patented ties, stain removing pens, dry cleaning bags, and travel hangers are just a few suggestions to keep you wrinkle-free when traveling.

Always Bring More Than One Dress Shirt

When traveling, it’s always best to expect the unexpected. Bring an extra dress shirt alongside your favorite one in case of wrinkles or stains. 

FAQ: Cochic Answers Your Questions

How to Fold a Dress Shirt Short Sleeve?

Start by buttoning the shirt up to the top button. Spread the shirt out face down on a clean, hard surface, and lay the sleeves out to the sides. Fold each sleeve in at the armpit seam.

Now, fold each side in about 3 inches towards the middle of the shirt, creating a rectangular shape. Finally, fold the shirt in half from the bottom up once.

How to Fold a Dress Shirt for Storage?

When storing a dress shirt, hanging is recommended. When storing in a dresser or chest of drawers, the method you’d normally use to pack your dress shirt is recommended.

How to Fold a Dress Shirt for Display?

When folding a dress shirt for display, it's vital to utilize a thin piece of cardboard on the back of the shirt as suggested in the shirt packing method. Collar extenders and pins are also necessary to keep a crisp garment on display.

How to Fold a Dress Shirt according to Marie Kondo?

Organizational extraordinaire Marie Kondo suggests hanging dress shirts, but offers a unique method for folding as well. Start by laying the shirt button side down on a hard surface.

Similar to a short sleave dress shirt, take each side and fold in evenly until a rectangle shape is achieved. Taking extra care of the collar, fold the shirt in half from the bottom up once.

How to Fold a Dress Shirt with Pins?

When folding a dress shirt with pins, it is important to use caution. Prior to folding, carefully pin each cuff and each side of the collar in place. Proceed with folding as normal.


While there is no guaranteed method to avoid wrinkles entirely when traveling, there are precautions you can take. Ideally, a custom dress shirt made with wrinkle-resistant fabric is the ideal choice.

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