COCHIC's New Ambassadors: Everything You Need to Know

 It is with immense pleasure that COCHIC announces today its two very first ambassadors: Sophie Mongeon and Gilbert Delorme

Who are they?

Master Sophie Mongeon, a talented woman, is a lawyer, a columnist and public speaker. She has an eye for fashion and has a compassionate heart, always willing to help those in need. Her positive energy and empathy are two of her greatest assets.

Gilbert Delorme, radio host at 91.9 Sports, is a retired player from the National Hockey League, who played for the Montreal Canadiens and the Quebec Nordiques. Always well-dressed during his interviews and events, Delorme is also, along with his spouse, an emergency foster family, giving back to the community by helping children in need.

Why this partnership?

COCHIC is a fashion brand that promotes authenticity, passion and elegance. Its two ambassadors, Mongeon and Delorme, represent those values perfectly. Through their implication in their respective communities, their passion towards their job and their love for fashion, the COCHIC spokespeople are individuals that, by their authentic lifestyle, naturally represent the brand.

What can you expect from this partnership?

COCHIC announces with great excitement the collections COCHIC by Sophie Mongeon and COCHIC by Gilbert Delorme. What do these collections contain? Well, these collections will feature the celebrities’ “favourites”, as well as exclusive accessories created in collaboration with the spokespeople.

Fashion items imagined by Mongeon and Delorme, brought to life by COCHIC. Wear the “Sophie Mongeon” and “Gilbert Delorme” styles as seen on TV and radio interviews!

Sophie Mongeon, Gilbert Delorme et Patrizia Casubolo

*Patrizia Casubolo, president, with Sophie Mongeon and Gilbert Delorme with their COCHIC masks*

 What are the concrete actions of those collections?

Not only does and announce exclusive collections with its ambassadors, the brand is announcing that 10% of each online purchase made through these collections will directly go to non-profit organizations linked to the ambassadors’ personal missions. 

10% of purchases from Sophie Mongeon’s collection will go to Leucan, which has a mission of helping the recovery and the wellbeing of children, victims of cancer, and their family (Sophie particularly supports Leucan because her son is also fighting the disease and the latter is supported by Leucan during his visits at the Sainte-Justine hospital).

Additionally, 10% of the purchases made within the Gilbert Delorme collection will go to Action Nouvelle Vie, an organization that helps individuals living in poverty, with a particular emphasis on helping children.

The currently slow economy has wiped out significant revenue streams from which non-profits have been dependent on. and is happy to contribute to the efforts of helping those organizations with its ambassadors.

To be continued… with positive energies from!

Pictures taken by Nathalie Photographie


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